2021 Forty Under 40 Class:
Nola Aigner Davis - Public Health Communications Officer | Polk County Health Department
Shaimaa Aly - Business Support Manager 4, VP | Wells Fargo
Rita Bettis Austen - Legal Director | ACLU of Iowa
Leah Brandon - Medical Director – Internal Medicine and Pediatrics | ChildServe
Ben Butzke - Co-President | Butzke Burch Construction
Kenia Calderón Cerón - VP/Bilingual Business Development Director | GreenState Credit Union
Lindsay Chase - Senior Vice President, Finance | Holmes Murphy & Associates
Tyler Coe - Member (Partner) Attorney | Whitfield & Eddy Law PLC
Jen Cross - VP of Donor Relations | Great Outdoors Foundation
Alexis J. Davis - Communications Project Manager, United Way of Central Iowa & Managing Director, Pyramid Theatre Company
Dylan DeClerck - Co-Founder | Can Play
Goizane Esain Mullin - Partner, Creative Strategy | RBI Marketing
Anthony Ferguson Jr. - Director for Equity, Inclusion and Diversity | West Des Moines Community Schools
Molly Hanson - Conservation and Community Outreach Specialist | RDG Planning & Design
Eric Heininger - Managing Director | Eden+ Fundraising Consulting
Ben Keenan - HR Consultant/Realtor | Principal/Coldwell Banker
Julie Kenney - Deputy Secretary of Agriculture | Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
Magan Lewis - Integrated Field Sciences Global Field Innovation Lead | Corteva Agriscience
Gregory Lin - Assessment Coordinator | Drake University
Colleen R. MacRae - Attorney/Shareholder | Nyemaster Goode PC
Kendra Marshall - Director, Business Strategy | Sammons Financial Group
Cory McAnelly - Intellectual Property Counsel – Patent Attorney | Principal Financial Group
Elizabeth Meyer - Attorney | Davis Brown Law Firm
Manisha Paudel - Equity Officer | City of Des Moines
Rachel Pfundstein - Associate Vice President, Client Service – Employee Benefits | Holmes Murphy & Associates
Courtney Reyes - Executive Director | One Iowa
Jennifer A. Rhuppiah - Manager of Regulatory Strategy | ITC Midwest LLC
Jon Sargent - President and CEO | Todd & Sargent Inc.
Megan L. Srinivas - Infectious Disease Physician and Translational Health Policy Researcher Fellow | University of North Carolina Institute of Global Health and Infectious Diseases
Dave Stone - Advocacy Officer | United Way of Central Iowa
Emily A. Stork - SVP, General Counsel | Bankers Trust Co.
Amy Strutt - Business Initiatives Consultant, AVP | Wells Fargo
Ruffin Tchakounte - Osteopathic Medical Student (OMS-3) | Des Moines University
Kristine Thompson - Director of Marketing | Greater Des Moines Partnership
Manny Toribio - Business Development Lead | McClure
Melissa Vine - Executive Director | Beacon of Life
Kasey Vogel - Director of Business Development and Brand Strategy | Community Choice Credit Union
Leng Vong Reiff - President | Akili Design & Marketing Services
Michelle Yoshimura-Smith - Vice President, Business Initiatives Consultant | Wells Fargo
Elizabeth F. Zaletel - Strategic Sourcing Consultant | Wells Fargo Bank, National Association
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