Lara Plaisance
Plaisance with mentor Matt Grotnes, Managing Shareholder, Hopkins & Huebner, P.C.
Lara Q. Plaisance
Age: 39
Title: Shareholder attorney, Hopkins & Huebner P.C.
Family: Husband John Plaisance; sons Ben, Theo, Drew (deceased) and Crosby.
A reason she is a Forty: She founded Drew’s Crew for Kids, a nonprofit organization working to bridge the activity gap between kids from different socioeconomic backgrounds. She also served on the Eat Greater DSM board.
What drives her: Her children. “My four sons, the three beside me and one above me, drive me. Losing Drew has motivated me to live better with my family and out in the world. It jolted me into the reality of life’s fragility,” she said.
An interesting fact about Plaisance: She’s training to run in Relay Iowa.