Emily Adreon
Assistant director, customer experience,
Principal Financial Group
Age: 31
Education: Drake University Bachelor of Science in business administration in finance and Bachelor of Science in business administration marketing; Drake University Master of Business Administration
Husband: Adam Adreon
Tell us four of your proudest accomplishments or accolades.
I partnered with organizations in the U.S. and Uganda to establish a $750,000 self-sustaining medical clinic in Kikandwa, reducing infant mortality from 80% to 10%, and implemented an $84,000 Rotary International grant for maternal and child health in six rural Ugandan communities.
I served as president of Rotary Club of Des Moines AM from July 2023 to June 2024, leading strategic planning for 13 committees, reporting progress to Rotary District 6000 and Rotary International, approving grants for multiple Des Moines organizations and earning the Rotary International Presidential Citation for achieving all 13 Rotary goals.
I volunteer on multiple local nonprofit boards including Central Iowa Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Lavish Love Iowa, Donald V. Adams National Advisory Council at Drake University and Shining City Foundation.
I advance customer centricity at Principal through leadership of our benefits and protection customer experience (CX) function.
What's your biggest passion, and why?
My biggest passion is to help others less fortunate. Gov. Robert Ray was quoted as saying, “The happiest people I know are people who are doing things for others.” There is so much opportunity in little moments throughout the day to make a positive impact on others.
How do you define success, both personally and professionally?
I feel like I’ve “made it” when my contributions are beyond self. I’ll never know how far-reaching my butterfly effect will go and the true impact I had on others. I try to reflect on leaving the team, workplace, organization, initiative in a better place than when I found it.
Tell us about an issue you think more people should know about.
Our world is more connected and advancing faster than ever. We all have a responsibility as global citizens to learn about new technology, ways of solving problems, staying in touch and using that knowledge for good. I’d encourage others to think about how they might welcome connectedness.
What's an experience or memory that influenced how you saw the world or what you wanted to do in life?
My life changed the first day I spent in Kikandwa, Uganda, working with the community to identify their needs and how we might help. I learned the importance of meeting people where they are, creating a shared vision together and identifying strengths of others. That experience has shaped how I face any problem at work or in the community.
What are your aspirations for the future?
I aspire to expand my impact in our local community to make sure Des Moines stays an amazing place to work, live and play. I want to build on my past experiences and use those lessons learned to engage with organizations that are doing great work.
What's one piece of advice you'd give to a young professional?
Choose joy. There is so much power in choosing to live above your circumstances. We’ll all face different adversity in life and the mindset we choose each day is impactful to yourself and others around you. Finding the positive has a ripple effect.
What's one regular habit that's made you successful?
I love to tackle problems by focusing on having a positive attitude and giving good effort. When I focus on what I can control and let go of the rest, I have always found fulfillment no matter the outcome.
What is one thing you would like to see Central Iowa leaders address, and why?
Increase opportunities and ask for young leaders to get involved. I’m surrounded by supportive mentors who have encouraged me to lean in and try, even if I didn’t feel ready. How might we inspire more opportunities for other young leaders in the community to make an impact?
What's one fun fact about you?
I was captain of the cheerleading squad at Drake University! Go Bulldogs!
Golf – Des Moines city courses, Hawkeye and Cyclone football games and tailgates, annual trip to Hilton Head Island.
What is one word that best describes you?
What’s one food (meal, snack, dessert, whatever!) you think people must try in the Des Moines area?
Americana has a fantastic happy hour! Be sure to check out its strawberry drink!
What’s the funniest or most surprising thing that’s happened to you recently?
Normally I play “best shot” when playing golf, but last summer I played my own ball a few rounds and I broke 100 with minimal cheating! Golf lessons are never-ending!
What’s your favorite tradition to participate in locally?
Volunteering at the Principal Charity Classic.