Anne Roth
Mentor Tom Synhorst
Anne Roth
Age: 30
Title: Strategic initiatives specialist, Iowa Business Council
Family: Evan Koester
What are your goals in your role at your company?
In two words, my role is to create visibility and vitality through the Iowa Business Council. We, along with 23 of Iowa’s largest employers, work to elevate Iowa’s economy through global leadership, research and advocacy. I focus on our advocacy, communications and marketing with a key goal to increase our workforce by marketing our state’s opportunities, streamlining best practices and leveraging existing statewide resources to support continued economic growth.
What’s your biggest passion, and why?
To leave the world, and specifically our community, better than I found it. There are many variations of this idea in the form of a quote, but when I think of it, I think of my late dad, Luke Roth. It was so ingrained in who he was that it’s now part of my fabric, helping drive who I am, where I invest my time and how I serve. That manifests in a variety of different projects, from diversifying the talent pipeline to providing access to mental health and grief services to leadership development.