Angela Christensen

Construction project manager, Ryan Cos.

Age: 30

Education: Bachelor of Science in civil engineering – Iowa State University; Master of Business Administration – Iowa State University; Ph.D civil engineering/construction management –  Iowa State University

Mom: Nancy Katoski 

Husband: Joe Christensen 

Children: Jack Christensen (son, 2 in April)


Tell us your proudest accomplishments or accolades.

I am a high-performing commercial construction project manager.

I volunteer to teach classes at Iowa State University in the civil/construction department.

I support a variety of charities and organizations throughout Central Iowa.

What's your biggest passion, and why?

My biggest passion is creating fun environments for people to enjoy together. At work, I strive for team camaraderie. I enjoy participating in team culture events and bringing energy to our everyday job tasks. In my personal time, I plan fun events for my friends and family to enjoy together.

How do you define success, both personally and professionally?

I define my personal success by my own happiness. Waking up each morning excited to spend time with my family and come to a job where I feel a sense of value, I have truly made it in life. Professionally, I value the term “citizenship behavior,” which focuses on the entire team’s success, outside of traditional measurements. If everyone on the team succeeds, then I have succeeded.

Tell us about an issue you think more people should know about.

Students at Iowa State are actively looking for a broader understanding of the professional industry. There are a million types of jobs out there, but they aren’t all shared through academic classes. Industry members need to become more active at universities to share various career paths and options for students to plan their future.

What's an experience or memory that influenced how you saw the world or what you wanted to do in life?

My mom raised me to have a high work ethic, be independent and to take care of myself. It started with simple things that became routine and shaped how I love my life. She always encourages me to give my best in everything I do, no matter how big or small the task may be.  This way, I am in control of my own success.

What are your aspirations for the future?

Teach: Being in college was an important experience both professionally and personally. That time in life is monumental, and I hope to continue finding opportunities to give back to students.   

Dream job: My dream job is to own and manage an event center locally. I would love to create a place for families to eat and play. I would host recreational sporting activities, weddings, corporate events, family reunions and kids camps.   

Cabin: I dream of building a cabin on a lake for family and friends to enjoy together.

What's one piece of advice you'd give to a young professional?

Find your confidence. When I used to walk on a jobsite I was intimidated. As a young woman, I felt like I wouldn’t fit in. Yet, the only one making me feel like I didn’t belong was my inner self. I learned to act as if others were intimidated of me. It gave me the confidence to walk up to a foreman, to ask about their trade, knowing someone brought up in it knew much more about the topic than I did. It gave me the comfort to share my opinion and add real value to the project.

What's one regular habit that's made you successful?

Taking initiative. If you have an opinion, share it. If you have a task, complete it. Don’t wait for deadlines. Don’t wait to be asked to do something. People will look to you for leadership.

What is one thing you would like to see Central Iowa leaders address, and why?

School safety has always been a concern of the community, but now that I have my own little one, the topic weighs on me even more. I would like to see school safety become a top priority among leaders to ensure our students, teachers and staff make it home safely each day.

What's one fun fact about you?

I have nine godparents. Each of my nine cousins.


Play sand volleyball with my friends; host get-togethers with family and friends; go to swimming lessons with my son Jack.

What is one word that best describes you?


What’s one food (meal, snack, dessert, whatever!) you think people must try in the Des Moines area?

Trostel's Greenbriar: baked havarti shrimp.

What’s the funniest or most surprising thing that’s happened to you recently?

My husband and I did a DIY project to replace our kitchen ceiling after a water leak. After many attempts to get the texture spray cans to work correctly, we found the best way was to stab them open with a knife and accept the messy consequences if it meant the project got done!

What’s your favorite tradition to participate in locally?

Iowa State football tailgating. I love to see the energy around the campus, watching the parade, seeing everyone in the cardinal and gold, and cheering on the Cyclones!