peter cownie
Class of 2016
Executive director, Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation
What’s one issue you’re very passionate about?
One issue I am passionate about is the Iowa State Fair. While I do work at the Iowa State Fair Blue Ribbon Foundation, I believe the fair stands for and represents all that is good about Iowa. The Iowa State Fair is literally and figuratively when and where rural and urban Iowa come together every year to celebrate this great state. I want to continue to grow the fair for all Iowans and all fairgoers and, in turn, help grow the state of Iowa and continue to make the Iowa State Fair the envy of the nation.
What’s one of your everyday habits that helps you be successful?
One everyday habit of mine is that I make a list of things that I need to get done, whether it be for work, personal, my family, etc. There’s no task too small or too large for my list every day. I really enjoy crossing things off of my list. It helps me stay organized and hopefully get things accomplished.
Knowing what you know now, what’s one thing you’d tell your younger self as you start your career?
Knowing what I know now, I would have put every dollar I had in the stock market in the spring of 2009, but notwithstanding my inability to do so, I would say a great lesson no matter where you are in life or what age you are is to be a good listener. Thomas Jefferson said, “To learn, you have to listen.” Simple, but such truth to that for us to all keep top of mind.
Class of 2016
Liz Adelman
Sophia S. Ahmad
Katie Albrecht-Snell
Zachary Bales-Henry
Collin R. Barnes
Mike Barratt
Sara Bonney
Josh Braby
Annie Brandt
Ben Buenzow
Nola Cartmill
Peter Cownie
Clint Dudley
Alex Duong
Josh Ehlen
Brianne Fitzgerald
Jayme Fry
Jan Glendening
Megan Grandgeorge
Ryan Jensen
Angela Jiskoot
Beth Jones
Kolby Jones
Sunni Kamp
Izaah JB Knox
Dylan Lampe
Jessica Maldonado
Brooke Axiotis
Zach Nunn
Ryan Osborn
Noreen Otto
Susan Rathjen
Michael Richards
Denver Ritz
Shannon Rudolph Umthum
Cory Scott
Jennifer Smith
Catherine Swoboda
Emily Toribio
Bethany Wilcoxon