andrea woodard
Class of 2014
SVP of government and public policy, Greater Des Moines Partnership
What advice would you give to young people who want to make an impact?
Continue learning and strive to be a good listener. Don’t just learn in class, but learn by watching and listening to those you admire. Emulate them as you refine your own style.
What’s one of your accomplishments you are most proud of, and why?
The time period that I am most proud of was following a sibling’s accident. Serving as family spokesperson while handling a new board role and changes at work was one of the most difficult times in my life. Through it, I found I became a stronger leader, better defined my values and found a level of emotional strength I didn’t realize I had.
What’s one of your everyday habits that helps you be successful?
Running. While I don’t run every day, I do run often. I typically run one or two marathons a year, but the true purpose is keeping my sanity. Running allows me time to think during solo runs or seek advice during group runs. It gives me energy and keeps me healthy both physically and mentally.
Class of 2014
Brett Adams
Mike Banasiak
Joe Benesh
Bjorn Berg
Daniel Beyer
Philip Blumberg
Charley Campbell
Jennifer Chittenden
Carrie Clogg
Michael Dayton
Tyler De Haan
Niki DePhillips
Lincoln Dix
David Farnsworth
Kate Gainer
Jason Giles
Abbey Gilroy
Cindy Hughes Anliker
Christopher James
Ashley Jared
Adam Kaduce
Jason Kiesau
Andy Lashier
Jesse Linebaugh
Brad Magg
Matthew McKinney
William J. Miller
Anne Pham
Anthony Ranallo
Wayne Reames
Jay Reavis
JC Risewick
Erin Rollenhagen
Andrea Stackhouse
Shane Stark
Chrystal Tamillo
Julie Vande Hoef
Timothy Whipple
Jason White
Andrea Woodard