liz lidgett
Class of 2012
CEO, Liz Lidgett Gallery + Design
What advice would you give to young people who want to make an impact?
I often say we are so lucky to live in Des Moines. When I lived in Los Angeles, you’d have to be a millionaire to make an impact, but in Des Moines, you have to have a good idea, be willing to work hard and be kind to others. Do your research to learn what you are passionate about, and then begin reaching out to organizations. We live in a special place because you can make an impact and once the ball starts rolling, more opportunities will come your way. Like with most things, today is a great day to get started.
What’s one of your everyday habits that helps you be successful?
Each morning before I get out of bed, I set my intentions. I think about how I want my day to go, I picture meetings going well, and think about how my day can have the best outcome while I can do the most good. It doesn’t always end up happening the way that I had envisioned, but I find that more often than not, it helps me start each day with the right mindset.
Class of 2012
Michael Abbott
Sondra Ashmore
Shannon Baird
J. Eric Boehlert
Nataliya Boychenko
Becki Brommel
Catherine Cownie
Spencer Cox
Scott Crawford
Tony Dickinson
Shannon Duval
Tim Hayes
Christi Hegstad
Naura Heiman Godar
Danielle Hermann
Sara Kobilka
Liz Lidgett
Holly Logan
Matthew Marckmann
Bryan Michael
Ben Milne
Suzanne Mineck
Nikki Miras Mordini
David Nelmark
Anthony Nguyen
Lynh Nguyen Patterson
Matt Nuetzman
Brad Phillips
Tina Potthoff
Erin Schneider
Meg Schneider
Steve SchraderBachar
Jamie Schug
Kristina Stanger
Nate Stewart
Jason Stone
Melissa Stover
Tray Wade
Eric Wieland
Geoff Wood