Class of 2000
CEO, Kum & Go and Krause Group
What’s one of your accomplishments you are most proud of, and why?
I’ve been blessed to have had a long career in our family business, but it’s the family part of that equation that I’m most proud of. I have had the privilege of watching five amazing children grow up into wonderful, supportive, caring adults. I am deeply proud of each of them.
Knowing what you know now, what’s one thing you’d tell your younger self as you start your career?In his book, “How Will You Measure Your Life?” Harvard professor and innovation expert Clayton M. Christensen offers a poignant examination of what true success looks like. When I was young, I was fixated on the here and now for my success. At some point, I began to realize the definition of success is something much deeper and more long-term. It’s in how we treat others and how our impact will be judged by those around us today and in future generations to come.
Class of 2000
Lisa Bluder
Laura Castro de Cortes
Steven Churchill
Brian Clark
Don Coffin
Chris Coleman
Tony Colosimo
Michael Dee
Diana Deibler
Bob Dooley
Tim Fox
Steve Gaer
Eileen Gannon
Jim Goodman
Vada Grantham
Kevin Graving
Renee Hardman
Jeff Hatfield
Kip Headley
Ben Hildebrandt
Derek Holmes
Tim Kelly
Michele Kolz
Kyle Krause
Greg LaMair
Brian Laurenzo
Angela Lee
Matt McCoy
Mike McCoy
Drew McLellan
Kurt Mumm
Doug Olson
Janet Peterson
Sheila Riggs
Mark Rupprecht
Feisal Sayeed
Tom Triplett
Jo Whitney
Nancy Williams
Michael Wolnerman